Sunday, January 27, 2008

UFBQ League for MY-Team on 27 Jan '08

4 Malaysian bowlers in Qatar were invited to join UFBQ(United Filipino Bowling of Qatar) League, every Sunday. Our team is named 'MY-Team' stand for 'Malaysia Team' since they are all Pinoys and we are the only M'sian, and we are so proud of it (Patriotism).
For tonight's game here are the report.

They are (from left) Zu(reserved), Me, Saiful(Giant), Esham and Faizal(J1/Jai) not in the picture, congrats to him also for a new born baby. Actualy he just arrived from KL delivering his new born.

My Fist game was as pix on the left. Overall was ok, and great for me for having 234 in a tournament.

On the right was our total for 3 games(the no 3 on top left corner indicates no of games played w/out reseting the total score)
I'm quit happy now with total score of 617 for 3 games (>200 avg). I said quite happy but not comfortable enough to stay at this level.

Yesterday practice also I was in the mood of hitting the high score with the open frame coming in the sixth, what a shame. I couldn't set my mind of not thinking about the score, that why the split (2,5&10 pin) coming.
But tonight's game I was ready for the next level.
I was open for the first 2 frame in the 3rd game but could recover at least 181 and in the second almost the same. I was open in the first and third but recover by hitting more strike than spare, end-up with 202.
Anyway, I will update more on bowling for sure.


Anonymous said...

tahniah kepada MY team...malaysia boleh.

Unknown said...


rahim_aly said...

Dear bro/MY team,

You've progressed a lot. Keep up yr gd work.


Unknown said...

Bro Rahim, TQVM. How are you doing...? Tak main bowling lagi ke..? Practicelah nt boleh lawan bila kita org balik sana..he he he..!

rahim_aly said...

We're doing fine, bro. Ours are more likely weekly affairs (4 of us - Mary, Liana, Kamil & myself). Seemed that we've missed training partners. Venue? It varies - Sri Petaling, Mines, IOI and USJ (the favourite, always got available lane)

Your invitation?...hmm...well, we're waiting. (we're competing against the pro.!)

Anonymous said...

hi there...kalu 3 teams lawan should be better....kuantan team pun sedang practice dgn jayanya ni...

Doa Harian

Dengan nama ALLAH yg Pemurah dan Penyayang, segala puji bagi ALLAH Tuhan Seru Sekelian alam. Ya ALLAH, kurniakanlah rahmat dan sejahtera atas penghulu kami Muhammad serta keluarga dan sahabatnya. Ya ALLAH, kami pohon kepadaMu kemaafan dan afiat, kesejahteraan selamanya dalam agama,dunia dan akhirat.
Ya ALLAH, baikanlah kesudahan kamipada segala perkara dan jauhkanlah kami dari kehinaan dunia serta siksa akhirat.
Ya ALLAH, kami mohon padaMu segala kebaikan samada lambat atau cepat, yang kami ketahui atau tidak kami ketahui. Ya Tuhan kami, kurniakankanlah kami kebajikan dunia dan akhirat seta jauhilah kami dari siksa neraka. Dan ALLAH, limpahkanlah rahmat serta sejahterakanlah junjungan kami Muhammad, keluarga serta sahabat-sahabat Baginda