Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thursday and Friday News.......

Semalam sempat join bowling tournament @ QBC. My wife and I managed to enter the games but no luck to win. We thought that the format was 10 pin but 9 pin instead, never mind next week we'll win (hopefully). I would prefer 10pin as compared to 9/8 pin format because of the spare. However because of the prizes I will do the trick to win.

For those of you who don't know what it is the 9/8/3-6-9 format here it goes :

10 pin Tap - all 10 pin drop in 1st throw considered Strike(indicate by Black strike markX) and any left pin (if not 10 pin) drop in 2nd throw is a Spare.
9pin Tap - Only 9 pin drop is considered Strike throw (indicate by red strike mark X) and any pin drop (if not 9/10 ins drop) considered Spare score.
8 pin Tap - same as 9 pin format but 8 pin needed.
3-6-9 Tap - Frame 3rd, 6th and 9th is a free Strike. What it means is, you only need to throw 7 times out of 10 frames.

Anyway, I'm trying to gather as many Malaysian as I can to form the M'sian Bowling Federation(Club) whatever necessary and the minimum requirement is 50 M'sian. The Federation/Club will be registered under MAQ/Embassy as Penaung. So, whoever out there who would like to join please let me know, and I'll guarantee we will enjoy bowling more than any other sport.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

nak join!!!

Doa Harian

Dengan nama ALLAH yg Pemurah dan Penyayang, segala puji bagi ALLAH Tuhan Seru Sekelian alam. Ya ALLAH, kurniakanlah rahmat dan sejahtera atas penghulu kami Muhammad serta keluarga dan sahabatnya. Ya ALLAH, kami pohon kepadaMu kemaafan dan afiat, kesejahteraan selamanya dalam agama,dunia dan akhirat.
Ya ALLAH, baikanlah kesudahan kamipada segala perkara dan jauhkanlah kami dari kehinaan dunia serta siksa akhirat.
Ya ALLAH, kami mohon padaMu segala kebaikan samada lambat atau cepat, yang kami ketahui atau tidak kami ketahui. Ya Tuhan kami, kurniakankanlah kami kebajikan dunia dan akhirat seta jauhilah kami dari siksa neraka. Dan ALLAH, limpahkanlah rahmat serta sejahterakanlah junjungan kami Muhammad, keluarga serta sahabat-sahabat Baginda