Alhamdullillah, hari ni boleh sambung blog ni lagi. Sejak kebelakangan ni sejak hilang camera dah tak berapa ada mood sangat nak update blog sebab tak boleh nak letak gambar baru2 tentang perkembangan kitaorang kat Doha nih...! tapi ari ni rasa ok je walaupun tak de gambar.
Tak pelah, ari nih nak ambik gambar banjir yg KJane taruk kat blog dia
For starter, ni gambarnya, tak pernah lagi tengok banjir yg menenggelamkan rumah but it happened in Chenor 18 Dec 2007.
Rumah pun boleh sampai bumbung apa tah lagi kereta. Tu sapa tu yang best sgt main banjir tu...? Nabila ke..?
Ni ada gambar for few more situations in Kg Pantai Chenor, rumah Mentua, kg my wife.
Kalau ada org posing tu, mmmmm Kakak2 Iparlah tu, dan yg lelain tu sedara2lah tu.
Nun jauh macam lautan dah Kg Pantai Chenor...!!!Kat atas tangga tu Kakak Iparlah tu ....!!!
To see more pls browse thanks KJane for the courtesy photo (....even without permission..!!!)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Lama dah tak update blog nih...!!! bukannya ape maybe sebab frust my compact Casio camera dah hilang. Tak dapatlah nak update secara bergambar.
Oppsss...! Memang dah lama nak update tapi nak buat camne sibuk ngan training. Kalau nak update pasal training....emmmm tak pernah miss training since 17 Dec. Kalau nak 180 tu senang2 je he... he... he
Last one day event dah start winning, highest game score 237 dapatlah buat bayar harga drilling bola.
Hopefully it just a start.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
FINAL UPDATES..! Where Is My Bowling Balls...?
This should be the final one.....!!!
The balls are here already.....! I think tomorrow will be the day...yeeeaaa!!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Dah Rezeki..No Regret...Alhamdullillah....
Hari ni, mmmmmm my GMC terlanggar curb side road barrier, so tire pecah. Bukan tu je, dengan rim belah depan tu dah benggkok. Bukan tu je, side airbags(both right + left) meletup, tersembur keluar. Apa lagi berentilah, kat tepi depan AlJazera Support Service building. First sekali kena find a cab for a wife to proceed to Markhiya Compound for an interview (....was late so rushinglah).
Actually we've been to the old office, so a bit of clumsy in driving to meet the 10am appointment.
Wait for the police to reach there ...just 5 hrs until 3pm but they never came. Finally, change the spare tire and drive with the curtain terkontang-kanting(the airbag).
Selesai report polis kul 4 so hari ni kena proceed to QIC, sebab QIC ni tutup kul 3.
Kenan saman 100....hhuuhhhh....QATAR.....!!!!!
Esok kena selesaikan jugak hal GMC nih, kena hantar gak kat MANNAI, ntah bila plak boleh siap. mmmmm KARWA-lah gamaknya RAYE ni.
TQ to Rizal Abdullah - Temankan dari pagi sampai petang utk tlg dealkan ngan Police Qatar. Sorrylah Rizal, tak sempat Operasi bukak tayar, aku yg bukak sorang2.
TQ to King, Atuq, Wudi, Ali Al-Yahri(Qatari), Ayoub - Yemeni for helping me in in dealing with the situation.
My New Bowling Ball ....On The Way
Boring dengan game last aku decide to buy new balls from internet Hope, no more excuse to be in the middle 170-180 score. But not yet, as at today 11th Dec 2007 this is the tracking of the journey of my new balls (1 for me HP ball 12 lbs -spinner- and 1 for my son Aiman HP ball-13lbs hook).
Month of Birthdays....
Actually Dec is month of birthdays....This week we will celebrate Aidil's (Shah's + Dilla's), Farhan's(Rizal's + Yatie's), Khizmie's, Baby Aiza' also and few more as in the email group wishes.
Happy Birthday to all then .....sincerely
me + Family
Happy Birthday Baby Aiza...
10th Dec is the birthday of my youngest, Lovely Che Aiza Hana, she's 3 now. I'm too buzy with Qatar Open for 4 days (9th-13th) so we celebrate @ QBC where with mom's homemade sarang semut and choc moist cakes. She made more for my office made to taste as a kesyukuran as she got an interview today with brit based company, in multimedia industries.
Happy B'day Babe Aiza.... I love U....(look how she's turn to be at 3 year old)
last night try to get to toys'r us but it was too late. It closed @ 9pm, so I could not get anything yet for her, maybe tonight after Team event for QBF Qatar Open.
For my wife, hope today will be the final of all shortlisted....(hopefully). Actually, this time she's downstairs waiting for me to sent her for an interview, well that will be at 10 am, but she has been ready since 6.30 am....hhhhhuhhhhh.(Insyaallah berbaloilah tu....)
Love U and good luck......
Anyway, the cake is very good and very moist....he he he.
Doa Harian
Dengan nama ALLAH yg Pemurah dan Penyayang, segala puji bagi ALLAH Tuhan Seru Sekelian alam. Ya ALLAH, kurniakanlah rahmat dan sejahtera atas penghulu kami Muhammad serta keluarga dan sahabatnya. Ya ALLAH, kami pohon kepadaMu kemaafan dan afiat, kesejahteraan selamanya dalam agama,dunia dan akhirat.
Ya ALLAH, baikanlah kesudahan kamipada segala perkara dan jauhkanlah kami dari kehinaan dunia serta siksa akhirat.
Ya ALLAH, kami mohon padaMu segala kebaikan samada lambat atau cepat, yang kami ketahui atau tidak kami ketahui. Ya Tuhan kami, kurniakankanlah kami kebajikan dunia dan akhirat seta jauhilah kami dari siksa neraka. Dan ALLAH, limpahkanlah rahmat serta sejahterakanlah junjungan kami Muhammad, keluarga serta sahabat-sahabat Baginda